Thursday, January 21, 2010

New in Town

Hello! Welcome! How are you? Your hair looks pretty today. I...kind of feel like I'm talking to myself. Which, really, is a hobby of mine anyway. So, I'm new at this blogging thing. Can you tell? I've been reading blogs for a long time now, and have finally decided to take the plunge and write one of my own. Prepare to be bored out of your mind, mmkay? Well, let's start with a little introduction, shall we?

I'm Ashley. I'm a stay-at-home-mom of two. My son Riley is 2, and my daughter River is 4 months. They're really cute. And I'm not just saying that. Oh yeah, their dad lives here too! His name is Mike, and I enjoy making fun of him. A lot. He's used to it. He makes fun of me, too. It's kind of our thing.

My hobbies are drinking wine (a lot), complaining (a little), cooking/baking (way too much, just ask my skinny jeans), and constantly kissing my kids chubby little cheeks, to the point where they get mad (did I mention how cute they are?) I also drink entirely too much coffee, watch way too many innappropriate Showtime shows on Netflix, and swear like a sailor. Classy, huh? I love celebrity gossip magazines, reality TV, and any combination of chocolate and peanut butter. I think that pretty much sums it up. Wanna be friends?

I'm excited to be joining this wonderful world of blogging! And if I whine too much, feel free to put me in my place. I like that.

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